Grabs Koop Recreation Things to Do in Reykjavik, Iceland

Things to Do in Reykjavik, Iceland

Whether you’re looking to relax and rejuvenate or explore the rich history of the city, you’ll find plenty of things to do in iceland reykjavik. The capital of Iceland is a young and vibrant city, and it’s a great launch pad for exploring the natural wonders of this beautiful country.

Do and don’ts in Iceland?

One of the best things to do in Reykjavik is to take a whale watching tour. Whale watching tours can be found year-round, but the best time to catch a whale is during the summer. You can also visit the Settlement Exhibition, a unique attraction that features a 9th-century longhouse and other archaeological structures. This unique exhibition is a good way to explore early Icelandic history.

A unique museum in Reykjavik is the Phallological Museum. This museum contains a huge collection of animals not native to Iceland, including dolphin and blue whale penises.

Another unique attraction in Reykjavik is the Harpa concert hall. This concert hall has won awards for architecture. This building has been designed to resemble basalt rock formations in Iceland. It’s also home to the Iceland Symphony Orchestra and the Icelandic Opera. It’s also a conference center and cultural venue. It also hosts art exhibits and musicals. It has a restaurant, shop, and children’s area.

One of the best things to do near Reykjavik is to visit the Icelandic Museum. This quirky and unusual museum isn’t for everyone, but it’s a great place to learn about Iceland’s history.

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