online cbd oil
There’s no shortage of online cbd oil products on the market, from the gummies and oils to the tinctures, bath bombs and lotions. But not all are created equal. A few factors can help you determine if the product you’re buying is really worth the money.
First, look for the COA (Certificate of Analysis). You should be able to find it on a brand’s website. It will tell you exactly what is in a product, including if it’s hemp-derived or marijuana-derived. Hemp-derived CBD is legal to sell in all 50 states, while marijuana-derived CBD is not.
Second, check for a list of ingredients that are either organic or not. You want to avoid anything with pesticides and other synthetic chemicals. It’s also helpful to look for a USDA Certified Organic label, which indicates that all of the ingredients are grown without synthetic or genetically modified organisms.
Maximizing Savings: How to Buy CBD in Bulk for Your Retail or E-commerce Business
Finally, consider a company’s philosophy and customer service. If a store’s staff is unable or unwilling to answer questions about a product, you might want to shop somewhere else. A good rule of thumb is to find a store that has an extensive online presence and offers a return policy.
A popular one-stop shop, this direct-to-consumer retailer has a full lineup of CBD products including tinctures, gummies, capsules and creams. Its best-selling product is the Beam Dream ($95), a consciously curated CBD supplement that’s vegan, non-GMO and formulated without gluten or sugar. Their site is easy to navigate and includes a quick quiz that helps consumers figure out what kind of CBD they need.